Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Society Says

I was thinking earlier, not something too out of the ordinary for me, and I started to have some all-too-familiar doubts. Doubts about myself. Doubts about my looks. Doubts about my likelihood of finding a wife. That's one of my biggest desires in life, to have a family, and a loving wife. But sometimes I doubt that this is ever going to happen. I doubt that anyone would choose me when they know other guys, guys I think are better than me. (which happens to be most). I was once told that there were quite a few who thought my personality would be perfect in a boyfried/husband. Well, my personality in Tom Wellington's body. (For those of you who, like me, didn't know, that's Clark Kent from Smallville.) This simple thought, which should have been an amazing compliment, said to me that I am not good-looking enough to be that perfect guy for someone. I wondered to myself, "Why would I feel like this?" Why does anyone feel like this?

Well, a lot of it has to do with what society tells us. Society says we have to be in a relationship to be happy. Look at any tv show, any movie, anything. It all implies that happiness is found in a relationship.

Society also says that in order to be desirable, you must be "perfect." If there is anything in you that doesn't fit into this cookie-cutter image society wants us to have, then it's something wrong. This view in and of itself is wrong. So what if you don't have flawless skin? So what if you don't have what society calls the perfect figure? Let me tell you, you could spend years, and thousands of dollars on your image, and still not be "perfect."

It's a paradox. If you spend the money on surgeries, dieting, etc, society will look on you as 'fake.' If you don't, you won't be 'perfect.' How messed up is that?

Well, I'd like to tell you that you don't need to worry about it. You are beautiful. You know what? Go find a mirror. Look at yourself, and tell yourself ten times that you're beautiful, or handsome, or whatever. Do it! Now! I'll still be here when you get back. GO!

Do you believe me? Do you believe yourself? You should.

God made you who you are. Your looks are yours. So the only person whose opinion should truly matter is yours. It's not about what society thinks, it's about what you and God think. God knows you're beautiful.

It's this simple: Society says we need to fit into some mold that the world has for us, some ridiculous standards that we really can't even keep. God says we should be ourselves. We should actually be the wonderful people He made us to be.

In short, society says too much! It doesn't matter what society thinks of you. You are who God made you. So just go ahead and BE that person. That's who I'm going to be.



  1. Hey man, this is your Exalt roommate! I am very impressed and heartened by your writings... What you're saying is very true, and it's amazing how you convey that. Never stop believing man, you will help more people than you can ever imagine.

    God Bless,

  2. Dude! Awesome post. I was bored and checking on my blog and thought, "Hey! Let's check out the back posts on Rick's Blog!" Just an FYI though, the guy's name is Tom Welling, not Wellington lol :P Love ya Bro! See ya in August/Sept. ;)
