Thursday, April 1, 2010

Body Mods (and rambling)

Body Modification.

It's something that's been on my mind a bit recently, partially because it has come up in conversation a lot. A lot of my thinking about it is because I decided that I would like a tattoo.

I've never been anti-tattoo, but I've always been anti-stupid-tattoo. To me, tattoos should only ever be gotten with plenty of preceding thought. Definitely not on a whim, because then you end up with tattoos you regret, like an ex's name, or a misspelled proverb, or something like that. (Or a horrifying portrait of someone you love. I've seen it. *shudders*)

To me, a tattoo should be significant. I've designed, in my mind, what I want. Working on getting it down on paper somehow.

A phrase I try to live by is "Heart to God, hand to man." Don't ask me where it comes from, because I honestly couldn't tell you. It's just something I've been hearing all my life.

The tattoo I want is four words, two each in two places. "To God" just above my heart, and "To Man" on the palm of my hand. Nothing fancy, nothing spectacular, but significant for me. Of course, it's not a huge concern to me whether or not I ever do it, but I would like to.

However, it's set me thinking on body mods. My opinion on the matter is go ahead, it's your body. However, THINK FIRST. Especially with tattoos. They are forever. So plan it, think about whether or not you would want it 10, 20, 50 years down the road. Piercings aren't my thing, but they grow over, and in most cases are easily gotten rid of.

Just think about it. That's all I can ask.


Tomorrow is Good Friday, which means my musical tastes have shifted back toward the hymnals. I love hymns, I really do, but this time of year just brings it out more.

The songs on my mind:

The Old Rugged Cross (Bart Millard version is my fave.)
The Wonderful Cross (seems a theme?)
In Christ Alone
It Is Well With My Soul

(Stained Glass Masquerade by Casting Crowns, may not be a hymn, but it's also on my mind.)

This is Easter weekend, so I'm hoping that somewhere along my way, I come across someone who needs a good word or two.

Coming soon: more rambling, with a little bit of a point mixed in!


PS, I want some feedback. What do you guys all want me to talk about? Send suggestions, requests, etc, to Remember to mention Crusader in the subject line, or I may not open it. Take care, everyone. Enjoy your Good Friday, even if only for the day off.